
Advanced Hypnosis Masterclass library by Igor Ledochowski

Original price was: ₹82,751.Current price is: ₹8,600.

The library of 21 advanced hypnosis masterclasses also contains over 12 hours of audio-visual content. You also get detailed step-by-step instructions, cheat sheets and checklists to help you get the most from each masterclass.

You can use the masterclasses to get the answers to any hypnosis-related questions you have, and use the step-by-step instructions and visual aids to understand and apply the answers you receive.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is serious about hypnosis and wants to take their skills to the next level. After all, this is like having me – Igor Ledochowski – on speed-dial ready to answer any hypnosis question you have.

And the best part is that this is all available to you right now. You can get immediate access to my library of 21 advanced hypnosis masterclasses and start shooting questions at me as soon as your order is processed.

So don’t delay. Take advantage of this special opportunity and get my complete library of 21 advanced hypnosis masterclasses now.

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In addition to the library of 21 masterclasses, you’re also getting something I’ve never offered before. It’s something I call ‘speed-dial hypnosis coaching’.

Speed-dial hypnosis coaching is like having me (Igor Ledochowski) as your own private hypnosis coach. Every week, I’ll be available to answer any question or clear any confusion you have about hypnosis. Plus, you’ll also get access to my private email address in case you need help with anything.

The 21 advanced hypnosis masterclasses in the library cover everything you need to know about hypnosis—from the history, to the fundamentals, to the advanced applications. You’ll get the answers to every question you have, no matter how specific or obscure.

But this library is also much more than just ‘information’. You’ll also get access to practical resources so you can actually apply the knowledge you’re learning. Plus, you’ll get downloadable PDFs, audio recordings, and even video tutorials so you can learn in a way that’s most comfortable for you.

This special opportunity for my library of 21 advanced hypnosis masterclasses will be available for a limited time only. So if you’re interested in taking your hypnosis knowledge to the next level, I urge you to take advantage of this amazing offer.


Igor Ledochowski

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