[Audio Only] BT06 Short Course 29 – Longevity – Brevity – Levity: Working Briefly with the 65 plus Crowd – Norma Barretta, PhD, and Philip Barretta, MFCC



[Instant Download] – Immediately deliver the download link after receiving the paymentPurchase [Audio Only] BT06 Short Course 29 – Longevity – Brevity – Levity: Working Briefly with the 65 plus Crowd – Norma Barretta, PhD, and Philip Barretta, MFCC courses at here with PRICE $15 $5Topic Areas:Short CourseCategory:Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2006Faculty:Norma Barretta, PhD | Phillip Barretta, MA, MFTDuration:1:18:31Format:Audio OnlyOriginal Program Date :Dec 07, 2006 Norma Barretta, PhD Related seminars and products: 23 Dr. Norma Barretta, PhD, studied with Milton Erickson and has been teaching the use of hypnosis, neuro-linguistics, communication skills, personal growth, self-differentiation and the power of language since 1975. She is a partner in the Madrid- Los Angeles Erikson Institute and is frequently a faculty member for the Erickson Foundation Congresses. She currently teaches in Spain, Poland, Italy, Canada and for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in the United States. She is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. She has recently been learning about the power of sound from her daughter, Jolie Barretta Keyser, and is now using sound with some of her private patients. She has taught for the International Society of Hypnosis and the European Society of Hypnosis. Phillip Barretta, MA, MFT Related seminars and products: 10 Norma Barretta, PhD, & Philip Barretta, MA, MFT, were partners since 1948, had been working together since 1972. They taught regularly in the United States, Italy, Poland, Spain, and occasionally other countries. Norma continues to see patients in her private practice and Phil helps with couples and families. They often used the double induction in their work as a team. They have been honored for their service to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and are both frequent faculty for ASCH. They were regular faculty for the Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis and serve on the SCSCH Board. They have written numerous chapters for other people’s books and are still working on two books of their own. Salepage: https://catalog.erickson-foundation.org/item/bt06-short-29-longevity-brevity-levity-working-briefly-65-crowd-norma-barretta-phd-philip-barretta-mfcc-49396Archive: https://archive.ph/YW9i6Purchase [Audio Only] BT06 Short Course 29 – Longevity – Brevity – Levity: Working Briefly with the 65 plus Crowd – Norma Barretta, PhD, and Philip Barretta, MFCC courses at here with PRICE $15 $5

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