Brian Moran – 1-Page Funnel Master Class




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Brian Moran – 1-Page Funnel Master Class
Time Stamps

1. The simple ONE PAGE website that rakes in $1,729 per day… (02:06)
2. The #1 reason 95% of online entreprenuers will fail to get s steady stream of new sales coming in day after day…and how to fix it… (09:06)
3. My 4-part “1 Page Protocol” and how you can copy it to convince anyone to buy what you’re selling… (13:55)
4. Why a ONE PAGE website will sell 10X more than a traditional website, marketing funnel, or E-commerce store… (22:38)
5. How to know if a ONE PAGE website will work for your business… (24:23)
6. The powerful “Core 4” method and how it allows you to convince people to buy without you need to be an expert marketer, copywriter, or salesperson… (27:33)
7. The simple piece of software I use to create all of my ONE PAGE websites in just minutes, without hiring a designer or developer… (33:48)
8. How I get $10,372 in FREE ads to my ONE PAGE website every single day… (40:08)
9. How to find every single ad your competitors are running anytime you want… (48:23)
10. How to get SamCart FOR FREE! (55:18)
11. How to get Traffic Tactics FOR FREE! (60:35)
12. How to get The One Page Launch FOR FREE! (62:43)
13. Your only 3 choices if you want the business of your dreams… (81:04)
Brian Moran – 1-Page Funnel Master Class: Video, PDF´s

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