BT08 Fundamentals of Hypnosis 05 – Induction Methods II: Three Novel Approaches to the Induction of Therapeutic Hypnosis – Ernest Rossi, PhD



BT08 Fundamentals of Hypnosis 05 – Induction Methods II: Three Novel Approaches to the Induction of Therapeutic Hypnosis – Ernest Rossi, PhD | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !



Three brief, novel, creative and easy to learn approaches to the induction of therapeutic hypnosis that are appropriate for practically any client issue with any theoretical orientation will be shared with participants. All of these approaches have evolved from Erickson’s original “hand levitation technique” and are consistent with the principles of art, beauty, and truth presented in the new 2008 series of “The Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson,” Vol.1, “The Nature of Therapeutic Hypnosis.”

Educational Objectives:

  1. To list three approaches to the induction of therapeutic hypnosis.
  2. To describe Milton Erickson’s hand levitation technique.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*

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