BT08 Short Course 07 – Brief Ericksonian and CBT Solutions for Children, Adolescents and the Troubled Child in You – Joseph Sestito, MSSA



BT08 Short Course 07 – Brief Ericksonian and CBT Solutions for Children, Adolescents and the Troubled Child in You – Joseph Sestito, MSSA | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !



In this workshop, you will learn about brief Ericksonian and CBT solutions for children, adolescents and the troubled child in you. I have pioneered these over the last decade during which I have done this type of therapy with children and adolescents on a full-time basis, and trained other clinicians working with this population. There are essentially two methods within each session that you conduct with your child or adolescent client which you will learn to do. These can bring back and begin to use immediately in your practice following this conference.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe how to tailor the Five Column Technique for changing negative, automatic thoughts for optimal use with children and adolescents.
  2. To describe the Rational Response Interpersonal Technique.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*

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