BT08 Short Course 27 – The Habit Control Handbook: An Ericksonian Template – Joseph Dowling, MS



BT08 Short Course 27 – The Habit Control Handbook: An Ericksonian Template – Joseph Dowling, MS | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !



This short course will emphasize a four session smoking cessation model that will provide attendees with an Ericksonian template to be utilized in the treatment of smoking, weight loss, nail-biting, obsessive thinking, compulsive behavior and addictive behavior. An Ericksonian template for habit control can be formulated to the unique symptomology and strengths of each individual client. There will be a detailed discussion of the four session smoking cessation model with case studies, experiential exercises and a live demonstration.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe four therapeutic tasks prescribed in a brief, Ericksonian approach to smoking cessation.
  2. To list three fundamental principles of a brief Ericksonian approach to habit control.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*

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