CC07 Workshop 01 – Getting to the Heart of It: How to Change Couples Quickly, Dramatically, and Permanently – Terry Real, LICSW



CC07 Workshop 01 – Getting to the Heart of It: How to Change Couples Quickly, Dramatically, and Permanently – Terry Real, LICSW | Instant Download !

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Learn the three key elements of Relationship Empowerment Therapy: The use of leverage; Attention to “clean-up” issues; The relationship grid. Participants will be introduced to techniques to help partners learn: Where they are stuck in their relationship; What “unfinished business” fuels their “stuckness;” The consequences of not changing, as well as the opportunities for change; How to get from where they are to where they need to be.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To name three conditions for effective change.
  2. To describe how to use the relationship grid as a diagnostic tool.
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