
Christine Kloser – Get Your Book Done | Available Now !

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Christine Kloser – Get Your Book Done | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !

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ATTENTION: Self-Help, How-To And Transformational Authors,
If You’re Struggling With Getting Your Book Out Of Your Head

  • Uncover Your Book’s True Purpose And Message
  • Attain Unstoppable Confidence In Your Writing…
  • “Switch On” Your Focus So Pages Just Pour Out Of You…

And In 90 Days To Six Months, You Have Your How-To, Inspirational Or Self-Help Book Written And Ready For Publication…

From: Christine Kloser, Spiritual Guide and Transformational Book Coach – York, PA

To: Transformational Authors Struggling To Start, Write And Finish Their Book

Hi, I’m Christine Kloser.

I want to help you get your book out of your head, heart and soul…

And on to the printed page where you’ll inspire, impact and transform the lives of your readers and the world.

Over the last 8 years, I’ve helped aspiring authors start, write and finish their transformational, self-help and how-to books in six months or less.

I did it with a very unique and proprietary method (it’s even registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office). This writing process naturally draws their book out from the author… and they start writing effortlessly until they finish their book.

It’s like I’ve installed “writing success software” into their brains.

Many of these authors went on to experience phenomenal success…

Some appeared on major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, FOX and even Oprah and Friends… another author was covered in Time, Business Week and New York Times… and yet another quadrupled her income within two years!

And I’m not just a coach and teacher… I’ve done this myself as well!

Personally, I am a four-time award-winning author. I’ve had my books featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, Creations Magazine, Los Angeles Times, York Daily Record, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Networking Times, Susquehanna Business Life, Balance Magazine, PUBLISHED! Magazine, Personal Excellence, The Edge, and dozens of radio shows around the world. They’ve been on the Amazon bestseller list. And I’ve been personally endorsed by Neale Donald Walsch, Gay Hendricks, Michael Gerber, Ali Brown, Susan Harrow, Arielle Ford, James Twyman and many more.

As a coach, I’ve given advice to more than 35,000 newsletter subscribers and personally worked with more than 500 aspiring authors. They come from all walks of life. From acting coaches… to CEOs… to retirement strategists… to sustainability experts, to medical doctors… to therapists, healers and counselors… and even, dog trainers!

Now, I love helping experts write how-to and self-help books.

But my real passion is working with those authors who want to take it to the next level. People who want to go beyond tips, tactics and guides… and TRANSFORM their readers’ lives… and change the world for the better.

I believe you want the same. That’s why you’re on this page.

So if you’re looking to move, inspire and impact the world… and not just write a book, I would urge you to read every word of this message. You’ll see “authorship” in a whole new light.

But first, I want to talk to you about…

What This Isn’t About…
(This Isn’t Your Typical
“Book Writing” Program)

I want to be clear on a few things.

This isn’t a training program or seminar that forces you to write like mad for three days straight and then spit out a slam-bang, slap-together book.

I’m not interested in writing fast. Not if it sacrifices your true message. Not if you lose control over what you truly, authentically want to share with the world.

This also isn’t some step-by-step, formulaic template where you end up writing a cookie-cutter book. There are several of these “systems” in the library. I’m not for that. A set of strict rules will only snuff out your creative spirit.

Finally, this isn’t an online course where you get access to a stack of materials and you’re left alone to figure out what to do first, what to do next and nowhere to get help if you get stuck.

I’m against all these things, because chances are…

You may have already tried workshops, programs, courses, seminars, retreats, groups, clubs, partners… and most of them (if not all) didn’t work out for you!

I personally remember running a women’s business network once, and everyone promised to write a book… each and every year for 3 years, and no one did a thing! It was so frustrating! Finally, I took the initiative and 39 women followed… (but that’s another story for another time)…

Here’s What This
Is Really About…

What I’m about to share with you is a carefully-crafted coaching program for aspiring writers (like yourself), that includes…

  • Direct access to me (twice a month on a group call)…
  • A “fluid formula” with tons of room for you to fully explore, find and discover your personal and unique message…
  • Clear action-guides with easy-to-follow, “paint-by-numbers” steps… but with the freedom to break off the beaten path when you need to…

I promise you…

This is the most organic, natural and spiritually satisfying way to write a book that I know of.

And for you as a self-help, how-to or inspirational author… It is necessary for you to write in a way that lets you b-r-e-a-t-h-e…

And what’s more, included in this program is…

  • A real, live person who I’ve personally hired to be your accountability partner. This person will check up on you if you get stuck in my program.

(Yes, you get phone calls checking in on you)! For any writer or aspiring writer on earth… You know how INVALUABLE this is!

But that’s not the best part of this entire program.

Imagine If You Can Install
“Writing Success Software”
Straight Into Your Brain…

I’ve created this program with a sprinkling of guided meditation and directed visualization to install “writing success software” into your subconscious…

So you automatically start writing your book naturally and effortlessly.

And this works even if you don’t believe in “meditation”, “spirituality” or “new age-y stuff”. I guarantee it.

It’s as if you “flip on a switch” in the back of your brain…

And trigger all the resources you’ll ever need to start, write and finish your book.

Basically, I’ve set it up so you will write your book…

  • Even if you’re not clear on what you want to write yet…
  • Even if you’re struggling with negative self-talk, self-doubts and emotional limits…
  • Even if you work 60-80 hour weeks, run a business or have children to take care of…

That’s how powerful this program is.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are six of my clients who are now published authors…

Six Published Authors
Christine Kloser Helped

“Since doing Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program and becoming an author, I’ve been featured on Fox & Friends, ABC News Now, Animal Planet and more.”

“I knew for years I wanted to write a book, but I wasn’t sure what steps to take to accomplish that. So, I was relieved when I discovered Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program. Finally, I found someone who practically held me by the hand and showed me the step-by-step process for getting my book written and published in a way that would help me grow my business.

Now, that I’m published, I’ve gained credibility in my business as The Dog Expert. It’s provided me the opportunity to be featured in media outlets like Fox & Friends, ABC NEWS NOW, Animal Planet and now as a columnist for FIDO FRIENDLY magazine. It’s incredible to experience the difference being published has made.”

– Sheryl MatthysAuthor, Leashes and Lovers

“…my annual income has gone from $92,000.00 to $820,000.00”

“Before I worked with Christine Kloser, I considered writing a book, but felt overwhelmed by the process and fearful of really putting my voice out in the world.  Christine’s program helped me not only get my book written and published quickly, but it also empowered me to step up in a big way in my business.

Doing the Get Your Book Done® program catapulted my career and reputation to the next level. Within 5 years after my book was published, my annual income has gone from $92,000.00 to $820,000.00, my email list has grew from 1,200 to 22,000 names, and I am now respected as the leader in my industry.

Christine’s work has allowed me to make an impact on people around the globe, but best of all it’s completely transformed who I see myself to be in the world.
Thank you, Christine!

– Dallas TraversCareer Coach for Actors
Author, The Tao of Show Business

“Having my book in print has made a big difference in my life!!“

“I never could have imagined how having my book in print could make such a big difference in my life, but using Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program was the catalyst to completing The 78 Biggest Mistakes New Managers Make.

It was through Christine’s guidance, insight into publishing, and honesty that allowed me to finish the book that (before her program) had taken years… with no end in sight… to even get off the ground. Now that I’m published, the exposure is great, but the added income and confidence are what truly has made the difference.”

– Marjorie TreuCEO, Team Fusion
Author, The 78 Biggest Mistakes new Managers Make

“Thristine’s program helped my publishing dreams come true… and made it EASY!”

“Deciding to do Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program was one of the best investments I’ve ever made. In the 60 days after completing my book, I got three new long-term clients who will generate in excess of $100,000 in revenues!

Plus, I’ve leveraged my position as a published author to become a highly sought after media expert who has been featured on CNBC, CBS, Oprah and Friends, CNN, ABC, Time, Business Week, New York Times and many more. Not too shabby for a first time author! Christine’s program helped my dreams come true… and made it EASY!”

– Bill Losey, CFP®America’s Retirement Strategist®
Author, Retire in a Weekend

“Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program was the answer to my prayers to help me finally write my book.”

“I have to admit when Christine said her Get Your Book Done® program was like ‘paint-by-numbers’ for your book, I didn’t believe it. I wanted to write a book for years, and never made any progress; I was beginning to doubt I could EVER write my book.

Now, I thank God for bringing Christine

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