
DataQuantics Workshop – How to setup your Google Analytics and UTM?s

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DataQuantics Workshop | How to setup your Google Analytics and UTM’s | Instant Download !

Tracking Your Success With Data Workshop

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Archive: Workshop Archive

What You’ll Accomplish on This Workshop:

  • Google Analytics Mastery: Set up a fresh and robust Google Analytics account, including a Google Analytics 4 setup.
  • Marketing Insights: Understand EXACTLY which of your marketing campaigns are working through the correct usage of UTM’s.
  • Metrics Deep Dive: Fully grasp the metrics that matter the most.
  • Decision Making: Eliminate guesswork and confidently make marketing decisions.
  • Post iOS 14 Strategy: Navigate the limits of post iOS 14 traditional retargeting.
  • Dashboard Creation: Design informative dashboards that shape your business’s future success.
  • Efficient Reporting: Save hours and money with reports that pinpoint exact marketing decisions.
  • Tactical Clarity: Gain clarity on tactics yielding the highest returns.

The Importance of Analytics and Tracking:

Analytics and tracking might seem mundane, but they’re critical for business success. While they might not be the most exciting aspects of business, they’re essential, especially in a post-iOS14 privacy world. Data is the new oil, and without it, optimizing your business becomes a challenge.

Imagine running a business with the potential for exponential growth, but only if you invest consistently in marketing. Data can be your ally in this journey, guiding your decisions and strategies. However, if misused, it can also be a hindrance.

The Power of Data-Driven Decisions:

You’ve likely heard, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Without data, how can you make informed decisions? Guesswork isn’t a sustainable strategy. Instead, focus on a data-driven approach to ensure clarity and confidence in your choices.

Online profitability might seem challenging, but with a grasp of basic math and data, the path becomes clearer. The backbone of any successful online marketing campaign is understanding the numbers. Top marketers and entrepreneurs recognize this.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a newbie, knowing your numbers is crucial. That’s why we’ve designed this two-hour workshop, “Tracking Your Success With Data”, to guide you through the intricacies of data and analytics.

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