Dr. Paul Swingle – Optimal Performance Training Webinar


In this one hour webinar Dr. Swingle discusses the two phases involved in optimal or peak performance training.Format: [WebRip – 1 WMV]File Size: 80.71 MBPurchase Dr. Paul Swingle – Optimal Performance Training Webinar courses at here with PRICE $30 $11OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE TRAINING WEBINAR RECORDINGPresented by: Dr. Paul G. Swingle in May 2012In this one hour webinar Dr. Swingle discusses the two phases involved in optimal or peak performance training. The first is to correct any brain inefficiencies that might be interfering with performance. The second is to optimize brain functioning either in terms of IQ, age related decline or performance.Note: All views expressed in the recording are solely those of the presenters and participants and not those of the program.Salepage: https://www.bfe.org/buy/dr-swingles-optimal-performance-training-webinar-recording-p-224.htmlArchive: https://archive.ph/wip/UdKLwPurchase Dr. Paul Swingle – Optimal Performance Training Webinar courses at here with PRICE $30 $11

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