IC15 Clinical Demonstration 15 – Resolving Identity Conflicts Through the ?Tetra Lemma? – Robert Dilts, BA



IC15 Clinical Demonstration 15 – Resolving Identity Conflicts Through the “Tetra Lemma” – Robert Dilts, BA | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !

Archive: https://archive.fo/wip/Bm0yd


Conflicts of identity most often show up in the form of a struggle between our idealized self (ego) and the shadow it necessarily creates. This struggle shows up as an inner conflict or dilemma of some sort. This demonstration will show how to go beyond conflicts created by bipolar thinking using the Buddhist mindfulness process of the “tetra lemma.”


Educational Objectives:

  1. Identify and sort identity level conflicts into the fundamental dilemma beneath them.
  2. Demonstrate how to use multiple perspectives to create a state of nonattachment and new choices.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*

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