Joshua Lisec – 8020 Fiction System (2022)

About the course:
Make it 80percent of the way to writing a bestseller by mastering at least the beginning 20% of the work.
The 80/20 Fiction System is a known and tested method that can be used for a 30-day period to conduct research, plot and write a novel that is a bestseller to a crowded reader market.
Created by Joshua Lisec and Adam Lane Smith’s 16 years of experience in writing eight books. This program utilises the 80/20 principle so that you spend your time only on things that will result in an economically viable book- – and not any that aren’t.
Because the majority of your writing talent is derived from 20 percent of your time on the novel.
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Dear Aspiring Novelist,
You’ve decided to create your own novel.
You’ll need to write it quick.
You want it to be perfect.
Hey Who does not?
Stories are everywhere. It’s even more authentic for an author or storyteller than getting their name in that exclusive list of authors who have published books.
Only . . . The majority of writers never reach the shelves. For every book that is available on Amazon there’s at least 100 books sitting on hard drives that are dusty and hidden away in dresser drawers.
Everyone would like to write a novel.
Some people will not finish the book.
However, you’re part of one of the elite 1% of people, baby. You’re ready to make it happen. Absolutely you can. It’s just a matter of having a system that is functional.
What is your method? What strategy will you employ to write an amazing novel?
Sure, you can just wing it. It’s already been attempted before. The true artists write their work from their heart isn’t it?
But . . . how many genuine artists pay their invoices in time?
True artists are likely to have children to help? Or student loans coming due? Do they earn enough to cover their home? Do they have a business from home that has several income streams that are from their work?
The reality lies in the fact that this system isn’t intended for writers. They can head right next towards our Free Hugs Department, where a team of dedicated emotion-focused beta readers inform that their manuscript is truly is a reward, thank you for taking the time to read it. They will leave with a huge smile and a bag filled with cobwebs.
So , if you’re serious about earning money from writing fiction . . .
If you’re looking to write more than just a book, you should write a bestseller that will launch an empire and earns an income . . .
You require a system.
A specific method with steps-by-step directions that will send your brain into high gear and push you to complete the task even when you’re not feeling like writing.
We’ve developed exactly that here to help you. Our reliable system for turning out words that are counted to complete the book and earning money from the final product.
It all begins from the beginning.
However, there are many different beginnings. in the same way.
Here’s how we can show you the most effective method to start.
Why The 80/20 Fiction System?
The Reasons to Use HTML0 You can simply complete the task correctly.
This course is designed by us for writers from all walks of life to create amazing fiction in a short amount of time.
The 20/20 Fiction System is a step-by-step method that is ideal for newbies as well as experienced professionals.
Do you consider yourself an author who has already published a novel? frustrated with launching your books into a sea of readers and not seeing any profit from your time and money?
Great. the 80/20 Fiction Method is a great tool for you.
Do you consider yourself an complete novicewho’s always wanted to write your own novel but aren’t sure how to begin?
Cool beans. The course will work for you as well.
Two experienced authors will guide you through their unique method for locating and satisfying a market that is waiting to buy your tales.
Why The 80/20 Fiction System?
Legit Reason 2 You will never be faced with Novelist’s Block again.
Writer’s block is the result of being focused on the wrong part of your story’s world.
The 20/20 Fiction System sets you up to overcome writer’s block in your life by helping you create an engaging story that actually writes itself.
The majority of authors skip the first part of their story, only to find themselves trapped in their tale. What is next? Who decides what?
This is normal however it doesn’t need to be.
Utilize Your 80/20 Fiction System to set your story beginning from the beginning so that you don’t get stuck.
We’ve said it before: the majority of writers do not publish their work. They get bored after the first scene or are distracted by a new idea, or get totally lost and have no idea how to move the story forward.
A lot of authors who manage to publishdon’t deserve it. Their books simply don’t work. What drove them to the bitter conclusion was their love for writing. They never knew how to write correctly. They will sell five copies, then get poor reviews, and then stop writing for good.
The 20/20 Fiction System crushes writer’s block early It ensures you are focused on the most profitable concept and gives you the headstart you need to finish your novel at an incredible speed.
The majority of the work in each book lies within the first 20 percent of the process. If you’re halfway through and you begin to tackle problems, you’ll end up stuck. The cart is now ahead of the horse.
If you can master the first 20 percent of your method and you can get 80% of the work completed prior to the time. The remaining 20% of the writing process is only 20% of your time.
If you follow this strategy it is possible to be sure that your readers are eager to read your book. It’s unlikely that you’ll sell five copies only to see it disappear. Your customers will be raving about what you’re offering , and then beg to buy more.
Why The 80/20 Fiction System?
Legal Reason #3: You should not have to write daily 5,000 words.
What you require is a way to determine what your target audience is looking for and providing them with consistently excellent stories that they will love.
It’s a novelist’s interpretation of an annual product for recurring revenue.
Make the most of your writing business by learning how to create books that help you pay the bills.
What would you like to do to tackle the most difficult aspects of writing a book within just 30 days, and be so confident that the writing of the remainder of your book isn’t just easy, but also enjoyable?
This program addresses all of the biggest pitfalls that authors face and puts a stake in the middle of the biggest threats writers face.
If you’re looking to quit dreaming about creating a book and actually get the job done, this method will help you achieve it.
Why The 80/20 Fiction System?
Legal Reason #4 The reason is that writing a novel that people purchase is easyto do as long as you are aware of the market research.
If no one has taught you how to market the research for a novel or novel, you may feel confused and dissatisfied.
The way people write fiction that is successful.
You must create an economically viable concept. Then , you must conduct research on the readers. After that, you must compose, plot, and complete the entire task.
There’s a lot of guesswork, but very few assurances.
The 30-day course takes your hand and guides through the whole process, so even those who are new will be able to identify their ideal group.
What could your book sales be affected If you could know exactly where to find your customers and provide them with an endless supply of their most-loved content?
Let us demonstrate how.
Are you ready to attend the writing masterclass of your lifetime ? And change your professional career for the better?
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