
Kian Golzari (Foundr) – The Product Development Blueprint Course

Original price was: ₹16,000.Current price is: ₹3,500.

Kian Golzari (Foundr) – The Product Development Blueprint



Kian Golzari is an entrepreneur and founder of Foundr, a global media and education company that provides entrepreneurs with resources and tools to start and grow their businesses. One of the resources that Foundr offers is “The Product Development Blueprint,” a comprehensive course that teaches entrepreneurs how to develop and launch successful products.

The Product Development Blueprint is designed to guide entrepreneurs through every step of the product development process, from ideation to launch. It is a hands-on course that provides entrepreneurs with practical tools and techniques to turn their ideas into successful products.

The course starts with an introduction to the product development process and the importance of market research. Kian emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to conduct thorough market research before embarking on product development. This includes identifying their target audience, understanding their needs, and analyzing the competition.

The course then covers ideation, where Kian provides techniques for generating and evaluating product ideas. He emphasizes the importance of finding a unique value proposition and building a product that solves a specific problem for the target audience.

Next, Kian teaches entrepreneurs how to create a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a simplified version of a product that allows entrepreneurs to test their idea with customers before investing too much time and money into development. Kian provides practical tools for creating an MVP, including prototyping and user testing.

The course also covers product design, where Kian teaches entrepreneurs how to create a product that is not only functional but also visually appealing. He provides tips on creating a user-friendly interface and designing product packaging.

Kian also covers the marketing and launch phase of product development. He teaches entrepreneurs how to create a marketing plan and identify the right channels to reach their target audience. He provides tips on creating a launch strategy and building buzz around the product.

Throughout the course, Kian emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to stay agile and adaptable during the product development process. He encourages entrepreneurs to be open to feedback and willing to make changes to the product based on customer input.

In addition to the course material, The Product Development Blueprint also includes interviews with successful entrepreneurs who share their experiences and insights on product development. These interviews provide entrepreneurs with valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of product development.

Overall, The Product Development Blueprint is a comprehensive course that provides entrepreneurs with practical tools and techniques to develop and launch successful products. Kian Golzari’s hands-on approach and emphasis on market research and customer feedback make this course a valuable resource for any entrepreneur looking to bring a product to market.

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