
Kynship Co – The Influencer Marketing Blueprint – Standard (Course Videos Only)

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How Do I Start In Influencer Marketing?
Product seeding is the foundation of ALL influencer Marketing. If that’s true, how you go about building that foundation is very important. Welcome to the beginning of our influencer blueprint.
What Is Product Seeding?
Seeding Is Your First Impression
Building A Core Community – How To Break Into A Category
Who To Seed & How To Know They Are The Right Fit
How To Get An Influencer’s Address
How To Create An Unboxing Experience
MightyScout – How To Track Organic Posting From Seeding
How To Take The Next Steps With Your Influencers
Influencer Strategy 101
Who, Where, and How do I pick influencers? How you do this will determine what influencers you choose and ultimately, the ROI you receive.
How Influencer Marketing Can Go Wrong
Micro, Macro, Celebrity? Who Should I Pick?
Philosophy Of Influencers – How To View Them
How To Find Influencers – What Tools Are There?
How To Analyze An Influencer – The Authentic Test
Inside My Mind – What Influencers I’d Pick Based On Industry
Best Practices To Ensure Success
You can have the best strategies and influencers in the world but if you don’t know how to do these lessons well, you could end up not getting what you want or in a legal battle. This section is the actual day-to-day work and process of influencer marketing.
Negotiation, contracting, and pricing for influencers.
How To Outreach To An Influencer (For Contracting)
4 Guidelines To Negotiate Effectively
Influencer Pricing – What Do I Pay Them?
3 Critical Things To Include In Your Influencer Contracts
How To Draft A Creative Brief
Recap & Intro To Taylor
Influencer Generated Content
Introduction to Influencer Generated Content (IGC)
IGC Creation Best Practices
Creating A Customer Journey
How To Implement IGC Ad Creative
Measuring IGC Performance
IGC Performance-Based Deals
Influencer Organic Social Posts Vs. Influencer Whitelisting (Sponsored Ads)
Comparing Reach, Engagement, & Frequency
Comparing The Customer Journey
Comparing Costs & Return on Investment
Comparing Visible Metrics of a Macro Influencer Activation
Set Up & Scale Influencer Paid Media Funnels
Influencer Whitelisting Account Set Up
How To Have Influencers Grant Whitelisting Access (Step-By-Step Guide) Part 1
How To Have Influencers Grant Whitelisting Access (Step-By-Step Guide) Part 2
Building Influencer Audiences to Target
Influencer Lookalike Audiences
Influencer Whitelisting Full Funnel Buildout
Macro & Micro Influencer Paid Media Funnel
Budgeting Influencer Whitelisting Ad Spend
How to Write Influencer Whitelisting Ad Copy
Influencers As Customer Service Reps Via Whitelisting
Influencer Whitelisting: Who’s Better? Macro or Micro Influencers?
Frequently Asked Industry Questions
Taylor and Cody discuss common one-off questions they get asked about influencer marketing.
Studio Shoot vs. Influencer Generated Content
How Do I Calculate My Influencer Marketing Budget?
What About Rev-Share or Brand Equity Deals?
How Do I Negotiate & Structure A Contract With A Flag Bearer (Macro) Influencer?
How Long Will Instagram Be The Market Leader For Influencer Activations?
Does Influencer Marketing Work For Business-to-Business (B2B)?
Can I Expect Sales To Come From Influencer Organic Posting?
Should I Hire An In-House Employee Or An Agency?

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