
Michael – How to Start One Rental at – Time

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Michael – How to Start One Rental at a Time | Instant Download !



After Self Publishing a Best Selling New Release on Amazon called “One Rental at a Time” The Journey to Financial Independence through Real Estate I learned I had to do more.

See the book has inspired many to believe and have confidence that they to can get started which is great. However, now I am getting nearly daily emails or questions that boil down to “How can I get Started” or “How do I make sure I don’t make a mistake”.

It was all these reader questions that really showed me I needed to do more. I felt inspiration and confidence were a great start but if I didn’t go back and document exactly what I did 15+ years ago then I would be leaving my followers without a path forward.

To be very clear, this program is exactly what I did to get started, it is how I learned my market, how I evaluate deals, how I built my team and my personal self assessment at the beginning.

I wanted to make this program available to as many people as possible and thus I chose Only $199 because that will be less than one month of Positive Cash Flow I help you create by buying a solid investment property. I had several coached advise me to significantly raise the price but I refused as this is not about the money but instead helping 1,000+ people get their first or next real estate investment property.

I know what it is like to work a crazy full time job, have growing family responsibilities and still find time to start investing in rental properties. I am not here to tell you it is easy as it takes work but I don’t want you to think it is hard either.

I believe everyone changes their financial future by buying just “four” Rental Properties and if you want more rentals after that great, but getting to four rental properties is life changing and a great goal for us to work on together

In the end I started with no system, no special access, no huge pile of cash, started in a market I had never been to and yet I built a portfolio of rentals one property at a time and I know you can to.

Course Curriculum

What we will do together in this Program
StartBefore we Get to Work (2:51)
StartPrivate Facebook Group just for Students (4:10)
StartWhere is Your Sample Spreadsheet (2:57)
Learn your Market
StartFirst Step Get Specific (7:35)
StartReview Output after Getting Specific (27:12)
StartStart Building Basic Spreadsheet (4:07)
StartThe Spreadsheet appears simple but will Evolve as we go (4:58)
StartWrap up Section One (2:59)
Understanding the Math behind Comparing Deals
StartIntro to Phase 2 The Math and How to Compare Deals (8:51)
StartReview what are Key Variables on Spreadsheet (12:16)
StartReview Spreadsheet in Detail (17:05)
StartGet Comfortable with The Spreadsheet and Variables (12:35)
StartPart Two Close (6:31)
Review Basic Market Data with The Math and See where we are
StartWhy I use Yield as the only vehicle to compare properties (6:43)
StartMerge Section 1 and Section 2 (4:55)
StartReview Merged Spreadsheet (10:18)
StartWrap up of Section 3 (5:52)
Creating a Team, Managing and Keys to Success
StartSection 4 Open (11:14)
StartProperty Managers are Key (17:18)
StartOther Team Members (4:53)
StartSection 4 Close (5:04)
Reviewing your Why and Setting up Goals
StartSection 5 Open (3:03)
StartSelf Assessment (17:04)
StartThe Importance of Your Why (13:33)
StartWrap Up (4:51)
Deal Architecture
StartIntro to Deal Architecture (4:34)
StartBank Financing (13:34)
StartBRRRR Private/Hard Money to Permanent Financing (13:35)
StartOwner/Seller Financing (9:03)
StartWrap Up Deal Architecture (2:57)
Private Money – How to Raise – How to Use
StartMy Thoughts on Private Money (24:00)
StartHow Jason Uses Private Money (27:25)
StartReview my 6 and 20 Note / Program (8:13)
StartDetails of Actual Private Money Deal (8:52)
StartApril Crossley: Day she Broke up with Morgan Stanley (16:05)
StartApril Crossley: Why Private Lenders Love What They Do (20:10)
StartApril Crossley: You Found Them Now What (20:29)
StartBill Allen: Raising Private Money Fast and with Confidence (26:59)
StartCould IRA’s Be a Huge Source Private Money (20:06)
StartAnna Kelley Talks Private Money (38:57)
Seller Financing
StartIntro to Seller/Owner Financing (6:03)
StartRyan Nickle Part 1 Seller Financing Deep Dive (52:50)
StartRyan Nickle Part 2 Seller Financing Deep Dive (37:05)
StartRyan Nickle Part 3 Seller Financing Deep Dive (38:40)
StartCPA Discusses Why Seller Financing is GREAT for Seller (28:43)
StartSeller Financing Deal Review (15 Total Units) (12:55)
Self Management
StartWhy Dion Chose to Self Manage (5:23)
StartHow Dion Self Manages One Rental at a Time (17:27)
StartSelf Management? Day 1-5 of Seeing if it is for you. (Script Attached) (19:56)
StartSelf Management Day 6 – 10 Script Walkthrough (16:00)
StartSelf Management Day 11 – 15 Script Walkthrough (10:14)
StartSelf Management Day 16 – 20 Script Walkthrough (10:21)
StartSelf Management Day 21 – 25 Script Walkthrough (10:28)
StartSelf Management Day 26 – 30 Script Walkthrough (7:04)
Flipping Properties
StartWhat to Expect Flipping 101 Video Series (3:48)
StartFlipping 101 Video 1 (14:28)
StartFlipping 101 Video 2 (18:05)
StartFlipping 101 Video 3 (7 Levels Deep PDF Attached) (16:47)
StartFlipping 101 Video 4 (18:20)
StartFlipping 101 Video 5 (17:12)
StartFlipping 101 Video 6 (14:53)
StartFlipping 101 Video 7 (10:14)
StartFlipping 101 Video 8 (19:52)
StartFlipping 101 Video 9 (20:08)
StartFlipping 101 Video 10 (20:04)
StartFlipping 101 Video 11 (19:55)
StartFlipping 101 Video 12 (19:58)
StartFlipping 101 Video 13 (20:01)
StartFlipping 101 Video 14 (20:01)
Mortgage 101 with Matt the Mortgage Guy
StartMortgage 101 Introduction (1:52)
StartFinding a Professional (5:20)
StartGetting Pre Approved First (3:26)
StartSetting Goals and Game Plan (4:00)
House Hacking with The Lumberjack Landlord
StartIntroducing 4-3-2-1 Strategy to Build Wealth (30:04)
StartGoing Next Level with Hackoligist (34:47)
Bonus Videos
StartBonus Open (0:56)
StartNorris Drive Full Story (10:47)
Start7 Simple Baby Steps to First Offer (14:36)
StartMy 20 Core Competencies (23:10)
StartHigh Paying Job is a Trap (14:01)
StartBeing a Millionaire is the Wrong Goal (9:32)
StartWhy Focus on Affordable Housing (9:29)
StartQuotes from Successful Investors meant as Motivation (15:31)
StartYou Must Understand Quality Differences of Listings (14:41)
StartLive Boot Camp Presentation (Jim Ingersoll) (61:50)
StartUnderstanding the keys to BRRRR successfully (53:00)
StartFrom Humble Beginnings (46:13)
StartSR: How to pick an Area to Focus on when you Never been to City (6:39)
StartSR: How to Handle Negotiations (9:07)
StartSR Share your Private Money Strategy and Sample Note (5:30)
StartSR Credibility Package (7:24)
StartSR When do I support a Cash Out Refi (Remember Never Buy or Create Alligator Properties) (5:39)
StartPractice Being a Landlord with 30 Day Trial (3:08)
StartReal Estate Slowdown Bingo (10 Metrics to Track) (6:59)

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